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It's About Time

The World Family Vision of John Denver

JD cover photo

On October 12th...

Please join us to reflect for a moment.....to reflect on the life of a wonderful human being....to reflect on the heart of someone who touched our lives so deeply that we cannot begin to explain how....to reflect on a true humanitarian; our mentor, our brother, our friend...

JD w/ Trio

"Yesterday I had a dream about dying

About laying to rest and then flying

How the moment at hand

Is the only thing we really own

And I lay in my bed and I wonder

After all has been said and is done for

Why is it thus we are here

And so soon we are gone

JD close-upIs this life just a path

To the place that we all have come from

Does the heart know the way

And if not can it ever be found

In a smile or a tear

Or a prayer or a sigh or a song

JD singingAnd is so then I sing for my father

And in truth you must know that I would rather

He were here by my side

We could fly on the wings of a dream

To a place where the spirit could find us

And joy and surrender would bind us

We are one anyway

Anyway we are more than we seem

There are those who will lead us

Protect us each step of the way

From beginning to end

For each moment forever each day

Such a gift has been given

It can never be taken away

JD w/ children
Though the body in passing must leave us

There is one who remains to receive us

There are those in this life

Who are friends from our heavenly home

So I listen to the voices inside me

For I know they are there just to guide me

And my faith will proclaim it is so

We are never alone

JD Christmas w/ baby

From the life to the light

From the dark of the night to the dawn

He is so in my heart

He is here he could never be gone

Though the singer is silent

There still is the truth of the song

JD in plane

Yesterday I had a dream about dying

About laying to rest and then flying

How the moment at hand

Is the only thing we really own

And I lay in my bed and I wonder

After all has been said and is done for

Why is it thus we are here

And so soon we are gone

Why is it thus we are here

And so soon we are gone"

"On the Wings of a Dream" - John Denver

The 1998 message from Marcelle that is still so fitting...

"It seems impossible that a whole year has passed since we lost John Denver. Many of us are only now beginning to heal. We feel his presence everyday and know that he is the those "singing skies and dancing waters". We hear his songs and they make us laugh, cry, love.... just as they did before. Yet many of those songs have new meaning for us.

This past year has indeed been bittersweet. Because of losing John, we have gained each other. The Family has united and become strong. Each and everyday, the family grows larger. John touched the hearts of many. It wasn't really clear how many until it was too late.

His passing was a wake-up call to all of us. We had allowed him to do it all for so many years. Now we must be the ones to do it for him. He has handed us the torch and we have picked it up and begun to carry it forward. We formed IAT to follow John's vision and that is exactly what we are doing. Each one of us that does our own little part has contributed to the larger whole. Believe me, that whole is making a huge difference and we are being noticed. For the past several months, I have heard from many people thanking us for what we do. You can all feel proud that we are doing exactly what John wanted us to do.

Let us continue to build on this foundation that we set this past year. Let us reach out to our communities and let them know that we are there...that we are there because of John and our love for him. Stand tall and be proud that you love John. It's time to show the world what has been and will be accomplished in his name. Thank you for being there from the beginning. Thank you for making it the dream we've always known!

Soar with the eagles John. We will love you forever!"

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Thank you!
Sandy and Theresa